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GMP Auditing & COVID-19: A Guide to Remote Auditing & Workforce Recovery

Strategies and Expert Advice for Ensuring GMP Compliance Now and Later

Travel and work restrictions have made in-person quality audits difficult if not impossible to conduct. To avoid compounding delays due to canceled or deferred audits, life science firms are increasingly turning to remote or “virtual” audits to maintain their assurance activities until normal operations can resume.

In this guide, you'll learn the challenges of remote auditing and strategies for overcoming them from an accomplished auditor with firsthand experience. This guide addresses each phase of the assessment process: planning, document review, process review, facility review, interviews, and closing meetings. 

About the Contributor

Neal Siegel is an independent Quality/Regulatory consultant (IVD/Med Device/Pharma) with 25+ years of experience and a particular interest quality statistics and understandable, practical application in instances of compliance shortcomings. He has extensive, successful experience from lab bench to C-suite and welcomes opportunities to mentor and teach sustainable skills for the industry.

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